Diego Contreras
Diego Contreras
:32 50 cal time on the bike Snatched 297 Clean and jerked 375 6:23 2k row


CrossFit level 1 ACE personal training cert


Diego Contreras

There’s not much to myself, I keep it fairly even-keeled now compared to when I was competing in the sport of CrossFit. It’s taught me that dedication and putting in the time for things you want can lead you far if you’re willing to dive in.
When sanctioned events were a thing I qualified for Lowlands CrossFit Championship, Madrid CrossFit Championship, West Coast Classic (San Diego), and Canada East and West. Outside of that, I trained under the Opex and Brute Strength camps which taught me so much from various coaches that I hope to be able to pass on to others.
Growing up I played baseball into high school where I transitioned to golf and wrestling. During and post-high school I started powerlifting and had national totals but never competed at a sanctioned event. It then led me into Olympic lifting which led to CrossFit and now that’s about as much sport as I do besides the occasional golf outing or pickleball session.

My two biggest enemies or blocks during my time in sports were the voice in my head that produced anxiety. When it came to practice I was (according to my coaches) picture perfect, but game time for events or qualifiers came around and I was a head case - never sure if I could hang on if I could push the limiter, The thought that I was going let people down. It held me back a lot because in reality my coaches or supporters weren’t going to think any different if I did bad or if I did well/exceeded.
Beyond that giving up “life” to achieve a goal, there’s a sacrifice to be made but missing out on opportunities with those that want to be in your life or have you around for a goal that’s such a brief period of life… to a degree wasn’t worth it but it also developed what I am today and how I approach things. It’s a bit of a double-edged sword but I’ve grown beyond the “I need to live this life and this life only or else I won’t succeed” mindset and allow myself to enjoy life, experience things with the people I care about, and take chances.

Helping others, the excitement someone gets when they hit new numbers in lifts, when movements feel easier when their life outside the gym is further enriched because of something you said, helped with, or had an open ear for. Not many places allow for that kind of relationship with others and it’s what I enjoy about getting to work with others in health and wellness.